Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Miley Cyrus" to give concert in Peru

Miley Cyrus will give a concert in Peru as part of the world tour she is planning for 2011, various sources reported today.

According to the Web portal Ayerbe Entertainment, Miley Cyrus, better known by her famous Disney channel series character’s name, Hannah Montana, will head for Latin America this year. The site stated that this show will be different from her Wonder World Tour, which the pop singer performed in 2009.

The singer of tunes like “Can’t Be Tamed,” “When I Look At You,” and “Fly On The Wall” will begin her Latin America tour in April with Argentina, continuing on to Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Mexico and possibly Panama.

Jen Talarico, head of Cyrus’s dance team, indicated a few days ago that the young star has scheduled a tour of South America for this year. “It’s official! Rehearsals for Miley’s tour will start next month,” she said.
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