Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Justin Bieber Gets Gold Record

 Justin Bieber ditched his signature purple hoodie and shoes in favor of a silver leather jacket and kicks while he was given a gold record in Spain for his album My World. The Bieb is currently on a promotional tour of Europe, and is certainly doing big things!

He also signed copies of his new album in Madrid yesterday, and attracted tons of fans! He tweeted: "long day in ESPANA but worth it!! Had a lot of fun and the fans here are INCREDIBLE!! 10,000 people at the signing!! FLOODED THE STREETS!"

Now he's in Paris for more signing and girls! He teased his fans by tweeting:
"anyone care to join me for dinner tonight in Paris...maybe a romantic candlelit dinner under the Eiffel Tower just for 2? anyone? ;)" We're sure he'd have a few zillion takers!

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